Friday, February 1, 2008

I hate New Year's resolutions!

So, in a previous post I mentioned that in 2008 I was going to get better about blogging so that everyone can be kept up to date with the happenings at the Vrieze household. Well seeing as I only blogged twice in January I am not off to a very good start. We shall see what February holds.

Well this past Tuesday we had the appointment with the Neurologist for Grace. What a waste of time. I wish I could get paid the big bucks for a 5 minute appointment that tells the patient nothing they didn't already know. So anyways he just confirmed that Grace has what is called Low Tone (hypotonia) in her muscles so they are weaker than normal which is why she achieves her gross motor skills so delayed. We just need to continue with PT and keep her moving to build up those muscles.

You know I was chuckling the other day, in March of 2007 when our Pediatrician referred Grace for PT for her Torticollis she didnt' think we would be in PT very long. Then when we met with the PT she didn't seem to think we would be there that long either. So here we are in Feb. of 2008 and we are still doing PT every other week. Someday we will be done, I am guessing now it won't be until she walks and that could be awhile!

Well I still owe you guys lots of pictures and I will get to them soon I promise. I just need to remember to have scott download the pictures since I can't seem to do it right and I don't want to lose the pictures.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

PT's just a little more love for the babe! I'm sure Gracie loves the extra play time. :)

Is the therapy schedule convenient for your work schedule?

And yes, you'd best get some more pics up pronto!!!