Monday, February 4, 2008

Take a Drink Already!

Grace has decided that she doesn't want to drink. It doesn't matter if its water, juice, milk, drinkable yogurt or what not. She has been under the weather today so even more the concern that she is not drinking. Anyone got any suggestions on ways to get her to drink. We've tried sippy cup, bottle, regular cup and cup with a straw.

Nothing else new here to report. Just a cranky clingy child and I am soooo looking forward to going to work tomorrow. (does that make me a bad parent???)


Chelsey said...

Nope, even though there's a lot of pressure on Moms to live for their children and not be without them, it's important for Moms to get a break, refresh, and provide positive role models for our children that we can be Moms and still maintain our sense of self -- in my (not so) humble opinion.

Kathy said...

I love your (not so) humble opinion! Thanks!