Sunday, February 24, 2008

Water, Water Where For Out Thou Water

So for the past 48 hours we have lived without water at the Vrieze household. On Friday when we got home from work we noticed that there was a build up of water in our basement bathroom and then we noticed quite a bit of water in the laundry room. We had no idea what it was until one of us flushed the toilet and it all came rushing out! So at 6pm we called Roto Rooter to come and fix our leak well at 11pm they broke the news to us that it was a broken pipe outside in our front yard and it would need to be repaired but they couldn't do it until Monday. SO here we sit with little to no water for the weekend.

So what have we done you ask, well we have been showering at Scott's folks place and using as little water as we can while we are at our home. We use the gas station down the street for a bathroom and we havne't cooked anything so as not to add to the mess we already have in the house.

While I am thankful this has happened after we got our taxes back and have the money to pay for the repair I am sad because that money was going to be used to do some remodeling in the house. OH WELL! I will try and update you all tomorrow while they are here fixing our pipe. If I can I might just add some pictures!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Oh no! I'm terribly sorry!

No water is such a hassle. It does renew our sense of gratitude for all of the 'simple privileges' we often take for granted.

I hope your water's back up soon! :)