Friday, February 22, 2008

Who Are You and What Have You Done With My Child!

YIKES! Grace has turned into a terror.

She hasn't been napping at daycare, she has decided it is much more fun to play in the crib. So when we get her home she is absolutely a terror. Last night we had a quick dinner and then let her play in the bathtub for a long time so we could make it to 7pm and then we got her to bed by 7:30p and she was out like a light. This is getting exhausting and i want my happy go lucky child back.

Also need advice, how do you teach a toddler not to hit? She has been hitting me and Scott lately and nothing is working.

Whoever you are PLEASE return my child to me!!!


Lucas said...

usually if Luke hits out of excitement or something we grab his hands and sternly say no. Then we say "gentle" or "nice" and sort of slide his hand down our face.
If it's an all out wallop, intentional hitting we give him a time out.

Jamie said...

Hey Kathy, thanks for the comment. I will be sure to put you on the list. I have peeked at your blog in the past, and Chelsea's too.

Jennie said...

Oh no! there's nothing more frightening than a tired baby! Have you tried moving her bedtime up at all?

This sleep book has really helped us. I don't know if you've already read it, but we can totally tell the difference in Jocelyn when we follow the recommendations it outlines and when we get off-track. I highly recommend the read!