Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What Does God Have to Do With It?

So I received a comment to my last post that basically told me that God had nothing to do with my being able to pay for my sewer pipe seeing as I only received that money back because I don't know how to fill out my W-2 form.

I commented back saying that God has everything to do with our being able to pay for the pipe and get everything taken care of. If I had filled out my W-2 differently so that I didn't pay as much tax as I did and our return was not as large as it was there was no way we would be able to have paid for that pipe. God totally provides and you can rationalize it in any way you want to but I totally see God's hand in this whole situation. As disappointed as I am that we weren't able to do the things we wanted to do in the house I am so glad that this happened when we had the money in our account. God is great and really takes care of us and we need to give him the glory for these things. So to whoever annonymous is I do pray that you can get over your anti-God feelings and realize that he has provided so many things for you.

As for me and my family we do praise God for all this and for the fact that we work, we paid too much tax so we could get some back and that we were foolish enough to fill out our W-2 incorrectly.

God Bless your Day!


Lucas said...

quite frankly, your anonymous friend can bite my butt. yes, friend, you read that correctly. BITE. MY. BUTT.
You are so blessed, Kath. You have a beautiful little girl, a happy and healthy marriage and you have a great family.
like I said, bite. my. butt.

Chelsey said...

You know you can turn off the ability for anonymous blog surfers to comment somewhere in the settings? The God thing's not exactly my cup of tea, but I think everyone has a right to live their life how they want and if it makes them a better person, good for them!