Saturday, May 19, 2007

So Close

Grace is so close to rolling over. If she is on her tummy she gets caught up on her elbow, if she's on her back she can get to her side but then can't swing her leg over to make it all the way over. One of these days she's going to do it.

Today while feeding Grace her solid foods she decided that she needed the spoon. What an interesting site that was. We gave her one to hold so that we wouldn't make such a mess and if she wasn't poking her eyes out she was shoving it down her throat and gagging!

Well our house is officially on the market. We had two showings yesterday and none today, which was good I had LOTS of laundry to do. Hopefully we will get some more this week and break our neighbors record. They just sold their townhouse in 3 weeks.
I included a picture of Grace and promise to post more when I get a chance for some reason my computer doesn't always like me to download pictures!


Lucas said...

where are you moving to??
and she's gorgeous, as always.
I'm going to be in Ona next weekend, what about you?

Lucas said...

yep, this weekend as in memorial day weekend. I'll be at my parents on friday. give me a call. :)