Tuesday, March 20, 2007

4 1/2 Months

I can't believe that Grace is already 4 1/2 months old. She has turned into such a little person. It is fun to watch her take the world around her in. She studies it really hard. She is still sleeping through the night which makes mommy and daddy happy. She does wake up once or twice to have her nukie put back in her mouth but goes right back to sleep.

Grace had her 4 month check up a few weeks ago. She is 13lbs 8oz, 24 inches long. She is in the 50% for everything. We do have to start physical therapy though because Grace has a major flat spot on the back of her head since she HATES tummy time and favors her left side. The Dr. is concerned about the muscles on her right side since she doesn't use them as much. She says that PT will be short lived and hopefully it will help Grace like her tummy better.

We have reached one milestone in the past week...we have pretty much graduated from 0-3 month clothing into 3-6 month clothing. Now granted the 3-6 month stuff is big on her but the 0-3 is way to small. Gotta love those middle stages!

We have been dealing with thrush for the past few weeks. For those of you who aren't sure what that is, it is basically a yeast infection in the mouth and it is hard to get rid of. I think we are goign to have to replace all her bottles when we finally get rid of it to be sure that everything is clean and not still carrying the germs.

I will post updated pictures of Grace as soon as we get them downloaded which will hopefully be tomorrow.

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