Well as you will see with the 3 posts below I have uploaded some recent pictures of the girls and some of what we have been up to. There are several things not captured on photo that we have been up to as well.
About 2 weeks ago I went back to work, but because of the wonderful economy we have right now I am only back to work 2 days a week. I think right now I have the best of both worlds and am enjoying being out of the house a few days a week but also liking being home with my girls more. Grace loves going to her new providers and in fact most days is asking me to go to work so she can go to Jenny's.
We have switched Norah to Soy Formula because we found out that she coulnd't digest the protein in milk. We have gained a whole new baby with this switch and it makes my days at home much more pleasant. I was for awhile thinking we had a colicky kid, but the formula change really helped with that. Now I also feel like she is thriving a lot more.
Norahs 2 month stats were:
Weight: 10lbs 1oz (25%)
Height: 22 inches (50%)
Head: 15 1/2 inches (75%)
I am excited to see what she is at 4 months as with the new formula I feel like she has put on more weight and is even getting those cute little baby rolls.
Grace is talking a mile a minute. On Maundy Thursday she was the only kid in the nursery and when Scott went to pick her up the lady in the nursery asked if Grace EVER stopped talking. He said no, she pretty much talks all the time. My mom says something about paybacks being hell! (I guess I was a talker) Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am talking to a toddler and not an adult with the things she says. We have hit that point in a toddlers life where they ahve a book memorized and at any point will start reciting it!
On other funny Grace story happened on Palm Sunday, she was allowed to carry a palm branch to the front of the church with the other kids and she loved it, until she had to leave the palm branch at the front of the church. That didn't go over well and I had to go and take a not so happy toddler out of the church. At least we gave everyone something to talk about!
Not much else going on, just living life and getting used to all the changes we have had. Looking forward to the nice weather arriving so we can spend more time outside!
Don't forget to look at the 3 posts below for pictures.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Picture Overload Part 3- HAPPY EASTER!
This is our Easter Duck! She decided that laying her eggs right by our front door was a great idea! I didn't agree, so we had Wildlife Management come and take her and the eggs away!
Picture Overload Part 2
Picture Overload
Just wanted to show you the fun we've been having the last few months!
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